
2023 BLOCK PRIDE SEPTEMBER 14th-17th //


Queer Block Island holds second annual Pride weekend

From the Block Island Times  Austin Morin, 09/16/2021 
Block Island is gearing up to celebrate its second annual Pride weekend September 15 to 18, with a fun itinerary organized by Queer Block Island. During the weekend, you can expect to witness killer drag performances, bumping dance parties, educational events, and a festive pride march! The concept for Block Island Pride was created in 2020 with support from several volunteers and local businesses during the pandemic.

Autumn Trailblazing in New England for LGBTQ Traveler

From the Boston Spirit: Thu, 09/27/2022

You’d be hard-pressed to find a more beautiful place to go biking than Block Island. After all, even though this 10-square-mile speck of land off the coast of the Ocean State is reached by ferry in less than an hour, it still feels like a totally undiscovered gem—summer tourists are usually too busy hoofing it to the Massachusetts islands of Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket.

Pride in the Ocean State

From the Rhode Island Monthly: Anna Downes 06/17/2022

While Pride is celebrated all year long, June is the pinnacle of Pride celebrations not only in the LBGTQ communities, but by allies all around. Check out ways that you can support Pride by attending events or donating to charities.

Block Island students forming their school’s first Gay-Straight Alliance

From the Boston Spirit: Rob Phelps 10/27/2021

The Block Island School, the K–12 public school for the year-round community just off the Rhode Island mainland, has given their students the go-ahead to form the school’s first Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) this year.

Prince Manvendra Visits Block Island

From the Block Island Times: Austin Morin 07/1/2022

Gohil came out to his family as gay in 2002, and was subject to electroshock treatments, publicly disowned by his family, and victim of an attempted assassination. The Prince highlighted the many ways in which queer culture is something of an “Indian export” to the world, and that for thousands of years India had established queerness as an acceptable sexual/gender expression. 

Council Endorses Pride Weekend

From the Block Island Times: Stephen Hester, Thu, 09/16/2021 - 3:45pm

The New Shoreham Town Council voted unanimously on Monday night, September 13, to pass a resolution in support of Block Island LGBTQ+ Pride Weekend. The resolution described the island’s citizens’ denunciation of prejudice and praised the “cultural, civic, and economic contributions of the LGBTQ+ community which strengthen our social welfare.”

Creating space and awareness for the island’s queer community

From the Block Island Times:  Rosemary Connelli, Thu, 12/03/2020 - 5:00pm

In an effort to create an atmosphere of inclusivity and to provide awareness of the island’s LGBTQIA+ community, resident Austin Morin has founded an organization, “Queer Block Island,” to do just that.

Queer Block Island holds first Pride weekend

From the Block Island Time: Renee Meyer, Thu, 09/09/2021- 4:15

“With the support of many businesses and organizations, Queer Block Island will be holding its inaugural Pride event Sept 16 through 19. It’s a three-day event with a variety of programming from nature walks to a drag queen cabaret.
Started in late 2020, early 2021, Queer Block Island is the result of Austin Morin reaching out to the broader community when he came to the island to work a summer gig at Persephone’s last year.”

The Parade is Back!

From the Block Island Times: Stephen Hester Thu, 07/08/2021 - 3:30pm

"The Block Island Parade had its first gay pride float this year, sponsored by Queer Block Island. Austin Morin spoke to The Times about the goals of the organization to create safe spaces for teens and young adults to be themselves. Several local students and teens were participating on the float, and Morin said they hoped to grow and expand in the future with more events. Laurel Nelson added that Queer Block Island seeks to give young people in the community the opportunity to express themselves. Queer Block Island has shirts and stickers available at Persephone’s, Diamond Blue, and Calaveras, and is planning another pride event in the fall.

Former Majorette and summer resident Kim Fischburg delighted the crowd with her expert baton twirling. Fischburg hails from Norwich, CT and says she has noticed a decline in baton twirling, and could not remember seeing it in the Block Island parade. She said she wanted to bring baton-twirling back and hoped to inspire kids to “Be who you are!”